My poor wisdom on: Human Capital
It’s no wonder that the labor market is one of three significant indicators as to how our economy is performing at a macro level. Human...
This is True Progress
True progress is made through education. When conservatives abandoned the idea of turning out critical thinkers around the same time that...
Goodbye, Hello!
Goodbye to the redistribution of wealth and hello again capitalism. Who doesn’t enjoy friendly competition? For those that aren’t caught...
Woman of Faith
For about fourteen years now I’ve been working on regaining my childhood faith, not that I ever entirely abandoned my faith but I never...
An Offer to Refuse
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal...
Today's War's are Illusive
Hegemony is not an approach taken with a "Big Brother" approach from every faction in our global economy. It is rather an approach thats...
New American? - Continued #3
I’m an Independent voter; I don’t have a horse in the race. My vote will always go to the candidate that better reflects my principles in...