Woman of Faith
For about fourteen years now I’ve been working on regaining my childhood faith, not that I ever entirely abandoned my faith but I never fully appreciated the messages in the Bible. Perhaps because I grew up Catholic and this faith is one that, like an academic institution, uses concrete visuals (called sacramentals) and ceremonies as their foundation instead of one that, like the Christian denominations, are more convivial and create a social foundation that you can practice when away from Sunday service. Or maybe it’s because I have an inquisitive mind and I strive to understand the deeper meaning of any belief that I adopt, or my opinions for that matter.
At the time, I realized how easy it was to go astray because, as it’s written in the Bible, many will come falsely in God’s name and I do believe that we’re in those times: Satan knows that his time is short and before no time will be driven out of a peaceful and righteous society. But before that happens, this evil creature will attempt to drag as many people down with him especially God’s most cherished. But I digress, what I’d like to write about is about the woman from the Bible, not the good ones, the other ones. Today too we’re living side-by-side with sinful women.
One of the most powerful messages comes to us from Luke 7:36-50 when God, in the form of a man we call Jesus forgives a sinful woman. When God senses that His host is privately shunning His audacity for assuming a power of forgiveness, God looks to the woman and says “Your faith has saved you.” Anyone can be forgiven for their mistakes if they seek to be forgiven but forgiving others results in one’s own peace of mind. It’s the faith of the sinner that matters for them to be saved.
During my high-school years I was intrigued by liberal women and got myself into a few situations where I witnessed promiscuous behavior. When I didn't participate in their activities, I was gaslighted by these creatures of the darkness because their lifestyle is a risky business and they have to rely on constantly hedging that risk, they create cover-ups. I had exposed myself to risk by virtue of having them as my company in those few instances but rather than to go with the self-doubt and confusion, an effect of gaslighting, I listened to my voice of wisdom and broke my ties. Rather than to appeal to the goodness of my heart and be sympathetic, I left it to them and God to have their souls restored if in fact they ever wanted to come clean.
You are now forewarned that In the next few paragraphs I’ll be using the word whore, but you should know that I mean it in the Biblical sense of the meaning. You know, like the Whore of Babylon that at her hands will fall this great city.
The modern whore uses bible verse John 8:7-11, and gets behind the idea that they can both be a whore and morally upright because as far as they’re concerned, God sympathizes with them and forgives them because hey why not everyone else has also sinned. This is of course not the meaning of this verse; this verse is better aligned with justification for proportional punishment. The true focus on the forgiveness of sin is on that of one’s own faith.
We see this message again in two other places where they don't center around a sinful woman but rather around stigmas, hemorrhaging and possession, which were also considered unclean: Matthew 9:21-22 and Matthew 15:28. It’s important that we not let anyone tell us that they hold our salvation in their hands, we decide with our faith! To exemplify, let’s consider the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13, the message here is to remain prepared for entering the kingdom of heaven but the more important lesson is to have the wisdom of reaping the benefits of our labor.
Having the wisdom in everyday life to protect yourself from the kind of woman that I call a whore is key to safeguarding the benefits that you have earned with your preparation in faith.
Alas, my personal favorite bad woman is one that is yet to come, The Queen of the South, who is not unclean or a sinner but because the times of the apostasy will value whores this queen will be considered beneath dirty prostitutes. This queen will condemn the evil generation that promised so much but that delivered failure; the fraudulent leaders of such a time succeeded on a Judeo-Christian civilization that they dismantled upon their elevation because they wanted to deny the same path of success to the rest of us.
I’m looking forward to the day a social contract among our population can be restored and that it remains honored.