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An Offer to Refuse

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.”- John 3:16

The apostasy is upon us! This is the time to search your heart and clear your conscience by contrition. Lately, I’ve taken it to speaking of politics as a result of a hard lesson learned when in the past I voted passively and ended up drowning my voice. Let’s be honest, we participate in our own demise when we allow others to make decisions for us without the need for it or without fully vetting those we vote for. Unfortunately, the father of lies has really done us in with some of those serving in public office in today's day and age.

This post is more about glorifying God and being grateful for the blessings we’re rendered with. Struggling through financial hardship is no new feat for me; I was born in poverty and I’m accustomed to living within little means. But who could really say that they’re as happy as an apostle of Jesus by giving up all of their riches? Last week I was scammed for a small sum that was there to carry me through to next tax season when I start earning again and, strangely, I feel a joy inside that tells me God is with me. My faith tells me this is all I need.

I’m encouraged because God is there to feed the birds and clothe the flowers in the wilderness and with a little faith as tiny as the mustard seed I too will be taken care of, but better!

Today however, I want to emphasize a different and greater lesson written in the good book. The one that teaches us to be not afraid of that which defeats us in the physical realm but instead fear that which defeats us in the spiritual one. This lesson has been turned on its head by the suicidal that define their sacrifice as martyrdom in the honor of god. This is dishonest and is better defined as blackmail just as a spoiled child throws a tantrum to embarrass a parent with the end goal of getting their way with no regard or consideration for others. 

Yet, this is what weak public officials would like to equate to true sacrifice stemming from a strong character. All they care about is instant gratification by garnering votes at the expense of a prosperous society. The true martyr in history is one that taught us to stick to our guns in the name of upholding high standards and strong quality of principles. And to do so even in the midst of threats to our livelihood and, I hate to be extreme, our very own lives. But when we fold to manipulative people we fold to the wicked and we’re as good as dead. Nobody makes me an offer that I can't refuse.

In the time of Jesus, the wicked took advantage of Jesus by holding him as ransom because they wanted to make demands on God. Had Jesus been a mere human, he would’ve folded and all generations thereafter would look very different in a negative way: More primitive, violent, and fruitless. On the plus side, maybe nuclear power would not have been discovered because minds would remain underdeveloped. But God allowed for those that believe in Him to advance humanity leaving it in our hands to practice a proportionate level of responsibility. 

Today, now that Jesus and his sacrifice is once again increasingly accursed, we are reverting back to a primitive statehood. It’s up to each one of us to understand this message and secure eternal life for ourselves. Please see Miracles at the Crucifixion of Christ by Brett Olsen on YouTube and you’ll see that God didn’t idly stand-by and watch the violence against, essentially Himself. Similarly, God will not idly stand-by and watch the violence against those he shepherd's and calls His elect. Some say God is a tragic comedian but I say He’s a hopeless romantic. Those that believe in His promise will find themselves on this stage again throughout eternity. 

Maybe this post did turn out a tad political after all (I just can’t help myself).

Side Note: See also Brett Olsen’s Miracles of the Our Lady's image on the Tilma


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