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New American? - continued.

If anything, the New Americans are those that have been cultivated by egoistic politicians to be in favor of a Welfare and a Police state and to attack the values that have stood the test of time bringing the American civilization to modern day. Those that get convinced by such venal politicians lack the foresight to know that their position will ultimately lead to an uprising the day they decide to break free of their chains. 

Let’s take our lessons from those that came before us such as The People’s Petition of 1838 set in England when the people claimed that “The Reform Act has affected a transfer of power from one domineering faction to another, and left the people as helpless as before.”  Similarly, let's learn from S. Smiles that “national progress is the sum of individual industry, energy, and uprightness, as national decay is of individual idleness, selfishness, and vice.”

Today, irresponsible, self-centered and venal individuals in public office will further cripple constituents with promulgating and abetting the use of drugs. Although drugs are mainly prescribed in a legal manner, there’s something to be said about the correlation between prescription drug abuse and illegal drugs. Which brings me to think about the Bible verse, Revelation 18:23 which states that "because your merchants were the great ones of the world, all nations were led astray by your magic potion" in discussing the fall of Babylon.

Vote for someone that doesn’t have at the center of their political strategy to create “plausible deniability.” While this strategy, as divisive as it is in and of itself, is made the component of an even more dangerous recipe for disaster when that politician has only negative results to show for him or herself. I stand my ground on developing cultural appreciation and a society that embraces diversity. No one race should get special treatment. And while talent and merit should dictate who will be the better of us, these are responsible for showing humility to those that need constructive up-lifting.

Maybe because I’m an individualistic, independent person is why I don’t accept charity from others; nor do I give charity to anyone - with the obvious exceptions of a Catholic’s call to adhere to sacraments. If I were to be a part of developing another person it would be without expecting anything in return and an honor to have been a positive part of their life. 

The New American should be the generation of Americans that continue to evolve without further interruptions from public officials that continue to pass the policies that only stand in the way of our nation’s progress.


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