Power Struggles - My response to Putin on Iran
With the USA seemingly meddling with foreign countries for the past several decades, we’re now facing the challenge of overcoming terrorists that feel justified to exploit. Let’s keep things very simple, aggression is the way that tyrants get their way at the expense of the masses. It really all comes down to fighting to maintain the status quo for the wealthy and powerful. But leading up to catastrophes we lose sight of the basics surrounding a fact that we’ve so carefully studied. We just can’t seem to evolve. Someone out there will make one small move in the vacuum of their private and privileged life that will set off a domino effect ending with a nuclear explosion.
Otherwise, why the heck does Iran think so highly of themselves as to possess nuclear weapons? Are these countries simply moving their weapons from one country to the next as if a game of hot potato? Or is the USA the monkey in the middle? Why is Russia stepping into a role of mediator as if the USA needs arbitration? The implication is offensive. Here’s what I think.
It’s not too late for Russia to be consecrated as per Our Lady’s request in the apparition of Fatima. The USA is in the defense of uprightness and transparency. Contrarily, others want to dance to the tune of “the children who sit in the marketplace” (Luke 7:31-35) presuming to appeal to our humanity but are mere poor entertainers. Civil manners towards one another are expected not as a favor and speaking of favors, the favor should be made on their own behalf and for their benefit. The Iranian military is nothing but a gang of incorrigible marketplace children looking for excuses to continue on their destructive path and the USA is merely shedding light on it.
Let’s set one thing straight, we share a planet. It would be nice to discover another planet where to escape conviviality with tyrants, but while we have to share, it will not be these to lead people into the next generation. Over my dead body. I need them and their like to rule my world like I need a bullet in my head. Spare me your threats Iran. I’ll do without your safron. If you want to rule my world you have a lot of growing up to do little children. Get proper manners!
“But wisdom is vindicated by all her children.”
Inspired by Luke 7:31-35