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A Reiteration of Current Culture

There are two types of politicians, those that are only after power because they think this way they don’t have to answer to anyone, and those that are altruistic and strive to improve their community through good works. The former are inherently evil and naturally create barriers for the latter, the good people, to enter the realm of leadership in governance. The evil consider sovereignty a joke and mock us for demanding our rights. They have no problem lying because they have come to believe and rationalize that all politicians are the same as if this should be comforting. The good are not concerned with this. They are doers and if they don’t disclose information it is rather justified with their merits and accomplishments. 

My vote will be for those that take pride in the building blocks that brought this nation to the heap of decadence because those are who will protect that framework by tempering its strength to sustain further growth.  While others might further exploit its resources, one whose motivation is rooted in preserving a framework that has rendered as much prosperity will make decisions that continue producing further prosperity. They will uphold a dignified level of stewardship worthy of a fruitful harvest for generations to come. On the other hand, one who shows disdain for the source of their prosperity, and shows ingratitude for it, will be cynical and disregard an infrastructure that would otherwise continue to be a lifeline for the rest of us if it wasn’t for its destruction caused by their greed and vanity.  

This abuse of power presents the opportunity for incidental oppression because these intellectual pygmies enjoy demeaning and wielding their self-proclaimed power without an introspective assessment of how their tresspasses destroy innocence. Throughout their hapless existence they were not developing a sense of altruism and a yearning to serve the public but rather they were harboring spite for people in governance who they perceived as the barrier between them and attaining material riches and is no surprise that it is now their only accomplishment: to have arranged attaining riches for themselves, that is.  Their vision is an impure and unwholesome one that stems from coveting that which they didn’t merit.

They improperly envisioned a world of perversion from those in governance as they took to protesting against those social boundaries and laws that all along afforded them their steady and sensible progress towards upward mobility. Then they prohibited the next generation from challenging them and did so in a way resemblant of hazing. You’re not allowed to have your own opinion they proclaimed while threatening to bring the weight of the United States on you if you didn’t blindly obey. Those of us with foresight that could see how only a grimey soul would expect that sort of mob loyalty knew that this could lead to putting otherwise legitimate warriors for a legitimate cause at the tip of the spear to do the bidding of a mob boss.

Something has to be done to prevent corrupt people from coming into governance or having any kind of power over people for that matter. They need it to be made very clear to them that they are not allowed to blend into an arena where they clearly don’t belong. Critical thinking has never been more important with as many avenues for predators to prey on the weak, that even our most civil structure could be infiltrated to the detriment of the innocent and unsuspecting constituents. I’m for creating an environment that fosters neighborly conduct and that rewards those who merit being awarded but that has a place for everyone, strictly speaking - not racist.


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